Determination of Density

Aim: To determine the density of zinc oxide by liquid displacement method.

Principle: The density is the weight per unit volume. For solids, it is determined psychometrically from the liquid displaced by the submerged solid. When a solid mass is immersed in a liquid in which it is insoluble, it will displace an equal volume of liquid. That is

the volume of solid mass = the volume of the displaced liquid.

Apparatus and Materials required: Pycnometer (specific gravity bottle), zinc oxide, water


  1. About 1g of material (zinc oxide) is filled into a dried and tared (pre-weighed) specific gravity bottle and weighed.
  2. The specific gravity bottle containing zinc oxide is filled with water and weighed.
  3. After cleaning, the same specific gravity bottle is filled with water and weighed.
Determination of Density


Room Temperature: °C

Weight of empty dry specific. gravity bottle = a g

Weight bottle containing around I g of zinc oxide = c g

Weight of bottle containing zinc oxide and filled with water = d g

Weight of bottle fi lied with water = bg


Determination of Density

Mass of solid = (c – a) g

Mass of displaced liquid = mass of total liquid – a mass of the volume of the liquid present with the solid = (b – a) – (d – c)

The density of water at room temperature can be referred to from the table in the appendix.

Multiply the density value in g/ml by 103 to get the density in SI unit: kg/m3

Report: The density of zinc oxide isis kg/m3 at temperature __________ 0C.

(Density of few solids in g/ml:

Calcium oxide: 3.3

Zinc oxide: 5.6

Sodium chloride: 2.16

Kaolin: 2.2 to 2.5)

Make sure you also check our other amazing Article on: Determination of Distribution Coefficient Involving Association
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